Fe/male Switch Privacy Statement & Cookies

Fe/male Switch is responsible for the processing of personal data as is described in this privacy statement.

Data Privacy Officer Contact Details:

Dirk-Jan Bonenkamp is the Data Privacy Officer of Fe/male Switch and can be contacted at support@femaleswitch.com

Fe/male Switch will process your personal data when you are using our services and website or because you provided the personal data to us.

A summary of data that we process:

– First and Surname

– E-mail address

– IP-address

– Website activity (cookies)

– Tracking cookies (analytics)

On what legal grounds do we use your information?

When you use the contact form Fe/male Switch will store the personal information based on the ‘legitimate interests’ basis of the GDPR.

During the use of the website you will be asked for permission if and when any of the following circumstances are relevant to the situation:

  • Tracking/advertising cookies.
  • Permission to send marketing emails or newsletters.
  • Sharing personal data with other companies for commercial purposes.

We always ask for permission to use your information for the reasons and ways mentioned above in this privacy statement. We’ll always keep your privacy in mind. You can retract your permission by replying to our email.

Who has access to your information?

We’ll only share your information within our own company.

All service providers that have access to your information will only use this information for the supplied service. These parties can’t use your information for other purposes.

Information collected through cookies on our website are sometimes shared with parties that developed these cookies. We’ll never sell your information to third parties.

Where will your information be stored?

We save your information in several databases, and we always use strict safety measures. Your information is almost always saved within the European Union. On the rare occasion that customer information is passed on to countries outside of the European Union, we’ll ensure that your privacy remains protected in the best way possible. This has been officially determined for certain countries. Some American parties are registered under the Privacy Shield, which provides sufficient protection. Or we work with official model contracts, which are especially set up to safeguard your privacy.

How long do we store your information?

Fe/male Switch will not keep your personal data longer than the completion of the intent of the data. Data based on legitimate interest will be stored as long as the legitimate interest basis can be established.

When we’ve asked for permission the data will be used for the agreed upon time period.

In the case of e-mail list subscriptions, we will store the subscription until permission is revoked.

What are your rights?

You have the right to view, delete or amend the personal data that we store. Additionally, you have the right to revoke any permission given for the processing of your data or to object against the processing of data by Fe/male Switch.

You can send a request for viewing, corrections, removal or transfer of your personal data, a request to revoke permission when given or object against the processing of data based on legitimate interest to support@femaleswitch.com.

To verify the identity of the requestee, provide a document for identification along with the request.

Make sure to remove or black-out your photo, machine readable zone, passport number and BSN number manually or use the “Kopie-ID” app from the Dutch Government or any alternative.

This ensures your privacy. The resulting file will only be stored for the duration of the process.

We will address your request within 4 weeks.

In some cases we can ask for additional information to determine your identity. We also do this when a request is unclear or considered to be unreasonable. In certain cases administrative fees may apply, this is the case when requesting an unreasonable amount of times or multiple copies.

Don’t want to receive any newsletters anymore?

You can easily unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe button in the newsletter.


Fe/male Switch uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored when you first visit a website. Fe/male Switch uses cookies with technical functionality that provide basic functions of the website. Additionally, we use tracking cookies to analyze the behavior on our website.

When you first visited our website, we informed you about these cookies and asked permission for placing them. You can remove all cookies by setting up your internet browser that it doesn’t allow any more cookies and delete the previous stored information.

Do you have any questions or complaints?

You can contact our Privacy Officer in case you have any questions or complaints regarding your information or the protection of your privacy.

Email: support@femaleswitch.com